Top 3 Reasons to look forward to Spring

So many wonderful things happened today. First, the clocks went forward so we officially have an extra hour of daylight. For some people, that might not seem like such a big thing. But for me - it really signifies the END OF WINTER. Second, I opened my bedroom window to let in some fresh air and wasn't immediately cold. Third, when I opened the window there was a symphony of bird songs in the backyard. Fourth, I noticed the tulips were starting to poke their heads up in the front yard. Like I said - wonderful.things.happened. Oh yes, they did!

And all of these things started me thinking about all of the things I love about spring. Here are my top 3.

Chive Flower Blossom Vinegar


 Growing Tomatoes from Seed


Rhubarb, Rhubarb, Rhubarb

Why are you looking forward to Spring?

May Long Weekend Garden Adventures

If asked for one word to describe the weather this weekend, the first that pops into my mind would be "glorious". Blue sky, sunshine and a slight breeze. You quite honestly couldn't ask for better. It was opening weekend for Withrow Market and the people were out with their dogs, their children and their shopping bags. It was a fantastic turnout, so thanks to everyone who paid Manning Canning a visit.

After the market ended at 1pm and the car was packed and then unpacked back at home, I was staring 2.5 days of free time right in the face and I knew just what I wanted to do with it. Absolutely nothing. Or at least, my version of absolutely nothing :).

It started off with checking in on my chive flower vinegar. Already it is turning a gorgeous colour. A few of my flowers are yet to bloom, so I look forward to getting at least 2 more batches of this put away before they disappear.

Then I did some weeding in the garden and at the end of it decided to bring some of the amazing smells that are taking place outside with so many of my flowers in bloom to the inside and pulled together this little arrangement.

And then to end the day yesterday I pulled some of the rhubard which has absolutely exploded in the garden and decided to make some jam for James and I to have on our pancakes in the morning. I settled on 2 different batches. The first, rhubarb rosemary and the second which we enjoyed this morning and which I shared with my neighbours, rhubarb vanilla...which is amazingly good.

There is something to be said about making jam from something from your very own garden, which makes it taste that much fresher and all the more delicious. The next batch will go with me to the commercial kitchen so I can make some to sell at the market in 2 weeks. The supply will be limited, so reserve yours today!